Bringing Europe Together

"We believe that it is time to awaken the potential that Central Europe."

In Prague, ICE took part in the Eurodebate of the Economic Journal, the portal Justicie and the Medical Journal, focusing on hot topics related to the future of Europe, under the title: Agenda for the new European Parliament and European Commission. The debate was attended by current and former high-ranking representatives of the Czech public and private sphere, among them Jaroslav Bžoch, Vice-Chairman of the Foreign and European Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, and Brigadier General Prof. Ing. Bohuslav Přikryl, PhD, Vice President of CSG Aerospace. The discussion focused on three important aspects that will certainly be high on the agenda of the future EC and EP: migration and the protection of the EU’s external borders, EU collective defence and the future of the European defence industry, as well as the Green Deal and its impact on the EU’s competitiveness..




Environmental Changes and Migration: Bridging Disciplines for a New Research Agenda



Life Cycle Management of Military Equipment: Experiences, Expectations and Opportunities for Collaboration

Research at ICE explores various options for cooperation in managing the life cycle of military equipment. This document is a product of the project “Life Cycle Management of Military Equipment,” conducted with the support of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic and Rheinmetall MAN. We believe our recommendations can significantly enhance decision-making regarding […]

How to counter controlled misinformation on social networks? Experiences from Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova

Although disinformation and conspiracies are not a new phenomenon in Slovakia or in the world, in recent years we have seen an unprecedented growth and spread of disinformation and conspiracies, especially through the Internet, so-called alternative media and social networks. In the Slovak environment, after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, we can observe an […]

Handbook of disinformation campaigns

With the rise of information technology and the ever-increasing accessibility of the Internet to the masses, the dissemination of false information is also becoming increasingly common. Collectively, these are commonly referred to as disinformation, fake news or hoaxes, and users often treat these terms as synonyms and freely confuse them with each other. It is […]

Disinformation changes society and threatens the state

On the first of December, the event “Get info on disinformation” took place at the University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica (UMB), the aim of which was to raise awareness among Slovak students about controlled and targeted disinformation campaigns, their nature and impact on society. The workshop was organised by the Institute for Central […]

They said about us

“Today, no country in Europe can pretend that it can solve problems on its own. Every important issue in Slovakia has a European context. I believe that ICE activities will be a good contribution to understanding and unity in Europe. I have known Martin for many years and I know how much he cares about Europe being strong in terms of security and Slovakia being a stable and reliable part of it.

Miroslav Lajčák – EU Special Representative for the Serbia-Kosovo Dialogue, former Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic

“With every European summit nowadays looking like a Shakespearean tragedy, bridging the gap between Western, Central and Eastern Europe is becoming a question of the survival of the European Union. In this cheerless context, the birth of the ICE is more welcome than ever. The Institute brings exactly what the current intellectual and political debates in Europe desperately need: tools and materials to promote better understanding across the continent.”

François Gemenne – Director of the Hugo Research Centre at the University of Liege and professor at the Institute of Political Science in Paris
