Slovakia – Ukrainian Forum 🇸🇰🇺🇦 / Kharkov days in Košice

Košice, 13.-14. marec 2024

There is perhaps no more important and complex topic today than the issues related to the developments in our neighbourhood. Although the war has cruelly marred any subtext of the discussion on cooperation, the hope of a European perspective is opening up possibilities that few would have considered even 3 years ago.

Cooperation between municipalities on the renewal and transformation of the energy sector, as well as on technological innovation with a focus on aviation and space, are perhaps unusual but all the more interesting topics that we are addressing.

The Slovak-Ukrainian Forum is co-organised by ICE as part of a broader project with the Centre for Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v. v. i., and the Department of International Cooperation of the Kharkiv City Administration.

We are pleased that diplomats, politicians, government, university and business representatives from both countries accepted the invitation, as well as EC Executive Vice-President M. Šefčovič (online) and EU Ambassador to Ukraine K. Mathernova.

We believe that such discussions are conducive not only to better understanding, but also to identifying the potential for cooperation, which, despite the war, is extremely high and, if harnessed, will provide a strong development impulse for both Slovakia and Ukraine.

#slovakia #ukraine #forum #europskaunia #eu #innovations


2nd National Cluster Conference

Trnava, 11.-12. marec 2024

ICE participated in the 2nd National Cluster Conference, which welcomed almost 40 cluster organisations from different sectors of Slovakia. We presented our project „Slovak Innovation Cluster for Defence and Security“, which we worked on the last year. The project was supported by the subsidy programme of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic to map the conditions and possibilities for the establishment of the first innovation cluster in the field of defence in Slovakia. International practice shows that clustering is an increasingly used form of intensifying cooperation between academia, industry, and government institutions within a country’s defence innovation ecosystem. Representatives of other cluster organisations and a foreign delegation from South Korea were interested in the new and innovative approach and ICE’s project in terms of strengthening the so-called culture of cooperation also in the defence innovation ecosystem in Slovakia. We also pointed out the macroeconomic benefits of establishing a cluster in the field of defence and security. The data show that investments in the defence sector are also worthwhile from a macroeconomic point of view due to the multiplication of significant benefits for other sectors and bringing finance to the GDP of the state. We have discussed this as well as other things. We thank the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency for the invitation.

Professional symposium – Slovak Innovation Cluster for Defence and Security

Bratislava, 14.11.2023

Institute for Central Europe, c.a., organized an expert symposium to inform about the aims, objectives, and progress of the research project “Slovak Innovation Cluster for Defence and Security”. The project was supported by the Ministry of Defence of SR and aims to provide a comprehensive analysis including practical recommendations in the form of a working manual for the creation of the first specialised sectoral cluster for defence and security in Slovakia. We welcomed representatives of several ministries, state organisations, as well as academia and industry, who were excellent evaluators of the intention to create a specialised cluster in Slovakia.

The manual, which places the need for a cluster for defence and security in the Slovak realities, in the context of the need for international cooperation within the EU and NATO, also contains best practices from selected countries, the benefits of such a cluster for the economy, the rationale for the importance of promoting innovation in the field of defence and security, practical suggestions for the implementation of a sectoral cluster in Slovakia, as well as mapping of potential partners within Slovakia. Practice shows that the promotion of appropriate infrastructure to support innovation, the linking of (also already) existing capacities, and involvement in international projects is a necessity, but also a possibility of the appropriate use of already existing research and production capacities and the most appropriate form of public investment that can multiply their benefits. However, a prerequisite for the successful and efficient functioning of an innovation cluster is the adequate representation and active participation of selected research organisations, industrial entities, and public institutions.



Slovak Innovation Cluster for Defence and Security

Estónsko, 6.10.2023 / Maďarsko, 12.10.2023/ Česká republika, 9.11.2023

International cooperation is a prerequisite for technological development and provides external know-how that can be used to strengthen and improve a country’s innovation capacity. ICE recognises the added value of such a collaborative approach. As part of its project “Slovak Innovation Cluster for Defence and Security”, which aims to map and assess the most appropriate strategy for the creation of a defence cluster in Slovakia, ICE representatives met with representatives of countries and organisations whose geographical proximity, characteristics and structural set-up are similar to Slovakia and whose excellence in the field of cluster establishment and management is unquestionable. Special attention was paid to 3 countries including Estonia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Estonia is one of the leading innovators in the field of defence, including dual-use technologies. ICE representatives met with representatives of the Estonian Defence Cluster, a non-governmental organisation that helps to increase the innovative potential of the modern defence industry, as well as the economy as a whole.

In Hungary, representatives of the Ministry of Defence briefed ICE representatives on Hungary’s approach to defence and innovation. When it comes to the Czech Republic, ICE representatives met with the representatives of the DSIA who explained the structure of cooperation between the Czech government and DSIA as well as the organisation’s role in the defence innovation ecosystem in Czechia. Besides the 3 target countries, ICE also devoted special attention to Denmark as one of the pioneers in the acknowledgement of the importance of the support of innovation and the top leaders in this field. When it comes to Denmark, ICE representatives attended a webinar with Klaus Bolving, Business Development Director, and former CEO of the Danish defence cluster, CenSec (Center for Defence, Space & Security). All the visits and the webinar with the Danish representative, Klaus Bolving, provided an overview of the different strategies applied in establishing and managing defence clusters as well as fostering innovation. We will use this information and incorporate it into our analysis and recommendations to the Slovak Ministry of Defence.

The project “Slovak Innovation Cluster for Defence and Security” to explore the possibilities of establishing and operating it is supported by the MoD of the Slovak Republic.