Policy dialogue: Migration Matters: From Crisis Management to Sustainable Solutions

Bratislava, 26.6.2024

In June 2024, the Acronym Project successfully organised its second policy dialogue, titled “Migration Matters: From Crisis Management to Sustainable Solutions”. This insightful event, moderated by Katarína Cséfalvayová from the Institute for Central Europe, brought together policy representatives to discuss pressing issues related to migration and asylum.

The first part of the policy dialogue featured Paula Puškárová, Member of the Slovak National Council under political party Hlas, alongside Zuzana Števulová, Member of the Slovak National Council under political party Progresívne Slovensko. In the second part, an insightful interview was conducted with Eduard Heger, the former Prime Minister of Slovakia.

The policy dialogue began by addressing the role of research and science-based evidence in public debate, particularly its conspicuous absence in public debates on migration and asylum, in contrast with some other policy areas such as climate governance. Both guests emphasised the importance of integrating research findings into migration policy discussions. They noted that migration debates are often driven by emotional narratives and political agendas, rather than factual evidence. Fostering a culture of evidence-based policy making in migration requires concerted and continuous efforts to educate politicians and the public about the migration and asylum. There is a strong need for collaboration between researchers and policymakers to ensure that scientific findings are accessible and applicable to real-world scenarios.

Drawing from their extensive experience in migration governance, both guests shared insights on how perceptions of migration are formed within the population. They agreed that media portrayal and political rhetoric significantly influence public opinion, often leading to spread of disinformation and misinformation. Personal experience and positive storytelling, showcasing successful integration stories and explaining policies regarding the migration and asylum in Slovakia and elsewhere in Europe can bring the change of the narrative around migration.

The dialogue also explored the relevance of integration policies in countries with relatively small immigrant populations, such as the Slovak Republic and the broader Central and Eastern European region. Both Paula Puškárová and Zuzana Števulová affirmed the necessity of having advanced migration, asylum as well as integration policies regardless of the size of the immigrant population. Proactive integration policies are crucial for social cohesion and can prevent future societal tensions. Policies should be tailored to the specific context of each country, but must include access to education, employment opportunities, and social services to ensure that migrants can contribute meaningfully to their new communities.

Following the initial discussions of the policy dialogue, the second part featured a conversation with the former Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Eduard Heger. The Prime Minister recounted his experience dealing with migration flows mainly from Ukraine during his tenure. He highlighted the complexities and multifaceted nature of migration, explaining how not only economic, social, and political factors intersect to influence policy decisions, but also social pressure from different stakeholders, international partners and the general public. He stressed the challenges of navigating public opinion and media narratives.

Furthermore, he emphasised the need for collaborative efforts between countries to manage migration flows and support refugees. Echoing earlier discussions, the former Prime Minister also underscored the importance of evidence-based policy making. He advocated for the integration of research and data into the development and implementation of migration and asylum policies in Slovakia.

The policy dialogue highlighted the urgent need for a shift towards evidence-based migration and asylum policies and the importance of addressing public perceptions and integration challenges. By bringing together policymakers, researchers, and community leaders, the Acronym Project continues to foster meaningful discussions that pave the way for sustainable solutions in migration governance. The insights from all guests, Paula Puškárová, Zuzana Števulová and Eduard Heger, underscore the need for courteous dialogue in the public space in order to bring informed and compassionate approaches to migration policy in the Slovak Republic and beyond.




ACRONYM Team Hosts Roundtable Discussion at ISA 2024 Annual Convention

San Francisco, 4.4.2024

We are thrilled to share exciting news from the ACRONYM project team! On April 4th, 2024, our team had the honour of organising a thought-provoking roundtable discussion at the prestigious ISA 2024 Annual Convention held in San Francisco. Titled “Contrasted Perceptions of Migration: Insights from Opinion Research Across Europe,” the discussion delved into the diverse perspectives on migration across European societies.

The roundtable brought together leading experts, researchers, and scholars in the field of migration studies to explore the nuanced and contrasting views held by various segments of society. With migration continuing to shape social, political, and economic landscapes globally, understanding these perceptions is crucial for informed policymaking and effective interventions.

During the discussion led by Anneliese Depoux (UP), our esteemed panellists presented insights gleaned from opinion research conducted across Europe, ranging from the attitudes of Slovak priests towards migrants (Katarína Cséfalvayová, ICE), to perception of integration by Ukrainian refugees (Hélène Thiollet & Filip Savatic, Sciences Po Paris) and public perceptions of the climate-migration nexus (François Gemenne, ULiege). These findings shed light on the multifaceted nature of migration attitudes, revealing a spectrum of viewpoints ranging from acceptance and support to scepticism and opposition. By examining the factors influencing these perceptions, including socio-economic factors, cultural dynamics, and political contexts, our panellists provided valuable insights into the complexities of migration discourse.

One of the key themes that emerged from the discussion was the importance of challenging prevailing narratives and stereotypes surrounding migration. By engaging in evidence-based dialogue and promoting empathy and understanding, we can foster more inclusive and compassionate societies that embrace diversity and celebrate the contributions of migrants.

The roundtable discussion at the ISA 2024 Annual Convention underscored the ACRONYM project’s commitment to advancing knowledge and promoting dialogue on critical issues related to migration. As we continue our research and outreach efforts, we remain dedicated to fostering constructive conversations and driving positive change in migration policy and practice.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all the participants, attendees, and organisers who contributed to the success of the roundtable discussion. Together, we are shaping a more informed and empathetic approach to migration that reflects the richness and diversity of human experiences.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the ACRONYM project as we continue our journey towards building a more inclusive and equitable world.



ACRONYM Project Hosts Side-Event at COP28 Conference: Examining Climate-Induced Migration Patterns in European Cities

Dubai, 8.12.2023

We are thrilled to share exciting news from the ACRONYM project team! On December 8th, 2023, our team had the honour of hosting a compelling side-event at the COP28 conference in Dubai, focusing on the critical intersection of climate change and migration in European cities. Titled “How Climate Change Will Affect Migration Patterns to and from European Cities: Highlights from the ACRONYM Project,” the panel discussion delved into the profound implications of climate-induced migration for urban demographics and policy-making.

European cities are already grappling with the impacts of climate change, from heatwaves and floods to other extreme events. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some residents are considering migration away from cities in response to these climate impacts. For instance, a recent FNH/Odoxa poll in France revealed that 4 out of 10 respondents have contemplated relocating due to climate-related concerns.

At the same time, European cities continue to receive significant influxes of migrants, with an increasing number originating from countries highly vulnerable to climate impacts in the global South. This side-event provided a platform to explore how demographic patterns in European cities are likely to shift as a result of climate-induced migration.

During the panel discussion, experts and researchers from the ACRONYM project presented insights and findings from their research. They highlighted the complex dynamics of climate-induced migration, shedding light on how these migration flows differ from other forms of migration. Importantly, the event underscored the need for nuanced approaches to migration and asylum policy-making in response to climate-induced migration.

The discussion also emphasised the importance of addressing the underlying drivers of climate-induced migration, including adaptation and mitigation efforts to build resilience and reduce vulnerabilities. By understanding the unique challenges and opportunities presented by climate-induced migration, policymakers can develop more effective strategies to support affected communities and ensure inclusive urban development.

The ACRONYM project team is committed to advancing knowledge and promoting dialogue across Europe and beyond on diverse aspects of migration, including climate-induced migration, which is likely to become one of the main factors of population displacement in the coming years. We extend our gratitude to all the participants, attendees, and organisers who contributed to the success of this side-event.